I see you, creative entrepreneur.

You have so many ideas but you feel stuck, maybe even a little defeated.

Do you need some accountability and a business coach to help clear your path?

What if you had clarity and direction to get your ideas into the world?

Are you ready to be mentored to bring your biggest goals to life?

I am here and devoted to helping you get out of your own way. I believe in the power of 1-on-1 coaching and its ability to propel you forward. You will leave our sessions with a renewed sense of clarity and be empowered with next steps of action.


Do you feel like your mindset is holding you back? Are you feeling trapped by imposter syndrome, perfectionism, or fear? You are not alone. I will walk alongside you as we uncover the root of what is holding you back and strategize tools that can help you in this area.


Need some feedback on designs, products, wholesale catalog, or your branding? I have built an entire line of over 200 products under my brand Quiet Lines Design. With an Art Minor and a Teaching Credential in Art, I have an eye for design influenced by art education. Let me help give you creative direction on your next product release or collection.

As an artist sometimes I think “this is missing something,” but I can’t quite figure out what it needs.  Enter Shirlee Fisher. Shirlee has provided valuable feedback that has helped me take my illustrations to the next level. With Shirlee’s guidance I’ve drawn closer (pun intended) to my signature style and created work I’m truly proud of. 

-Tiffany Grimes of Posterity Paper


Do you have an idea, service, or product that you want to bring into the world but you are getting analysis paralysis? I have launched many products and my online membership with success. Let me assist you in creating a step-by-step plan to get your idea into the world!

Shirlee is both empathetic and activating in her coaching style. Her experience and understanding of digital marketing and the creative process helped me to prepare for a significant business launch. I came away from our sessions with both real tactical strategy and the belief that I could personally overcome any obstacles I face. Shirlee has the gift of sharpening both personal habits and business skills with the grace and empathy of a true creative. 

-Suzy Weeks of Movi Family


Feeling the woes of promoting your work or service and don’t know how to build an audience? I launched my podcast with no audience and in less than a year have over 20,000 plays. Let me assistance in creating a plan to amplify your work and grow your audience that still feels authentic
and natural to you.

I have always found when working with Shirlee, there is a constant undercurrent of encouragement.  Shirlee has so much insight and wisdom to share, and is always willing to think things through with me as well as nudge me in the right direction of my goals. She is definitely one to have on your team. 

-Lynn Richards of Lynn Richards Art


  • No time commitment necessary. Book a call anytime you need it.

  • A “prep sheet” will be emailed to you to indicate what you need support in.

  • Please notify me 24 hours in advance of the scheduled calls if canceling.

  • We will meet on Zoom and our call can be recorded upon request for you to re-watch.