Episode 8: Dare to Dream

Dreaming Big

As an artist or dreamer, have you ever felt inadequate or childish for dreaming? “Lofty” dreams are beautiful and life-giving but it doesn't mean that our dreams aren’t confronted with opposition in the process. Have you ever felt inner criticism or criticism from others? How do we remind ourselves that our dreams are worthy as life hits us in the face?

Today on The Tillage Podcast, I discuss being dreamers and creators and highlight how as dreamers we have a beautiful and impactful “gift.” We need to be reaffirmed of our big dreams and how we can remind ourselves that what we create in this life is worth all the hard work and effort.  

Remembering: The Past

What do we do personally when we feel negative or tired regarding our dreams? Stories of dreamers might just be a way to bolster your big dreams. The tool of looking back to dreams that come to pass is such a fruitful practice. History is full of these reminders. Remembering how others dared to dream and their process towards achievement echoes the truth that the “thing” can be done. This is true even when we look at our personal history with dream building… even if it isn’t always positive. In looking back there are lessons… and perhaps even healing and new perspectives to spur us onward. Personal testimony and narrative can be useful; especially when encountering naysayers and critics. “Success leaves clues”... go out and find them.

Journaling The Now and The Future

Now, in looking at our present dreams, we can also use the powerful tool of getting things out of our heads and onto a piece of paper. Perhaps you need to move past feeling ashamed of your dreams or even stuck. Journaling and measuring different possibilities to make important decisions for the next steps in a practical way. Small steps into action. 

Lastly, be encouraged: there is no shame in owning that you are a big dreamer. Nestle into and feed that beautiful part of who you are.


  • Being a dreamer isn’t something you need to be embarrassed or ashamed about. It is a gift that you bring to the world. 

  • No one has ever changed the world or not made a big impact without dreaming big. 

  • Three things to help you keep reaching your dreams:
    -Look to examples 
    -Try to fend off negatively from others by creating boundaries 
    -Think into the future of what you would feel if you didn’t go after your goals. Think through whether you are now living the life you want to live or are you living in a way others want you to live. 

  • Journal questions:
    -What do you need to tell yourself today about being a dreamer?
    -What dreams that seem unrealistic are you wanting to bring to life?
    -What has been stopping you to start to achieve this dream?

    The Tillage Village 

    Are you wanting community? I cannot wait to share the Tillage Village with you! This will be a membership where you can find accountability, join co-working sessions, continue the conversations we are having on the podcast and so much more! The Tillage Village will be opening up in January 2023. 

    Join the waitlist HERE


Episode 9: Debunking “The Starving Artist” Myth with Ashley Paggi of Ash Cascade Designs


Episode 7: Moving Into Ease with Jen Fox